Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, *the highways were unoccupied,* and the *travellers walked through byways. They chose new gods; then there was war in the gates* was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel? The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, UNTIL that I Deborah AROSE, that I arose a MOTHER in Israel. Judges 5:6,8,7

UNTIL Deborah AROSE as a MOTHER, there was not going to be a hope of a better society.

NOTE, _her rising was not as a woman although she was a woman. Her rising was not as a prophetess, although she was a prophetess, her rising was not a judge although she was a judge. All those dimensions minus the motherhood dimension lacked the capacity to bring the change that the nation needed desperately.
When Deborah said ‘UNTIL I AROSE AS A MOTHER’, it suggests to me that *what led to the precarious situation they found themselves in was the lack or scarcity of mothers in Israel.* And as a matter of fact, the present unpalatable situation at the global scale is traceable to scarcity of mothers. Please don’t get that wrong. *It’s one thing to be a woman who has the capacity to reproduce, it’s another thing entirely to be a mother!*

A mother is not just a life giver (by this I mean giving birth), she is also a life raiser. A mother is a nurturer and norisher of life. A mother is a preserver of life. A mother is a saviour of life. So when I see you agreeing to abortion, it’s a clear indication that you are not a mother but a murderer. To be a mother is to have a compassionate, sympathetic and empathetic heart. To be a mother is to sacrificial.


Women are the moral barometers of the society. They defined the personality content of the society. What they raise as children is what we find in the world today. It’s why the scripture always mentioned the kings in the Bible alongside their mothers. It’s the same reason why a woman exclaimed about Jesus in the public, *”Blessed is the breast that you suck!”* Remember also the testimony of Paul concerning the faith of Timothy? The faith of Christ in the life of Timothy was traceable to his grandmother and mother.

I heard the Heavens frantically searching and crying aloud *”And I sought for mothers among them who will rise to the need of the hour and safe the day!”* God is looking for mothers on earth; mothers who have living relationship with Him. God is in search of mothers today; mothers who will not just give birth to biological children but who also possess the capacity to bring forth the God ordained destinies of these children in the place of agonizing prayers. God is looking for mothers like Hannah, Mary, Jehosheba, Elizabeth, Lois, Eunice and the likes of Susana Wesley. Mothers who raise deliverers and not destroyers for the world! God needs mothers who will not just rear children for status but raise children for positive influence on earth. God is seeking for mothers today who will be keepers at home and not absentee mothers.

Too many absentee mothers today. They are present but not available. Satan has succeeded in occupying them with other business at the expense of their real business. Absentee mothers have been coached by the devil to put more priority on academic degree, money, church activities, politics, fame and fashion at the expense of motherhood. Absentee mothers are not always available to fulfill the motherhood calling. They not always available for fellowship and intimacy with their children. Absentee mothers do not know the state of their flock. Absentee mothers are murderers and producers of murderers! Satan knows the impact of correct motherhood; it’s why he’s waging ferocious attacks against motherhood.

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And like I did mention in the last post, this matter of motherhood is not necessarily about being married. It’s about the heart. *The matter of motherhood is a matter of the heart.* Somebody can be married and even have children and not be a mother while a single lady can possess attributes and virtues of a mother.

Would you rise to be a mother in this generation? If the failure of some women in the past is the cause of the present distresses, the rising of some as mothers today can safe the future! It’s time for you to arise as a mother in that church. You can adopt those wayward children for prayer. It’s time to arise as a mother in that school. Don’t just be concerned about making money. It’s time to arise as a mother in that medical profession. Rather than acting as if people are at your mercies, you must rise as a mother. Instead of encouraging abortion of destinies yet to be born, you must rise as a mother-a saviour! And if you are a woman contemplating abortion, remember you are the only hope of survival for that child. Choose to be a mother and not a murderer! It’s time to arise as a mother to your children. It’s time to be available! Correct mothers are selective about the kind of job they get engaged in so that they can fulfill the calling of motherhood!


Kehinde Bolutife


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