Hypocrisy, according to WordWeb Dictionary is defined as an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction or insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have. This, in short, is the summary of a life wrapped in the garb of hypocrisy. It is a life filled with insincerity, pretense, and falsehood. A hypocrite lives a double-standard lifestyle: an outward expression that contradicts or negates an inward conviction. The hypocrite combines dual nature at the same time; he appears to be real at one side while he is fake at the other side. Just like a coin with two faces, the hypocrite has two faces of True and False at the same time. And this is a life of contradiction and confusion because such a life is just difficult to classify. It’s either you are True or False; you cannot be True and False at the same time. That is an impossibility. Therefore, the hypocrite lives and an impossible life. In matters of religion, hypocrisy is counterfeit piety. In civil conversation, hypocrisy is counterfeit friendship, which is much practiced by those who give high compliments, which they do not believe, make promises which they never intend to perform or pretend friendship when mischief lies in their hearts. Hypocrites are dangerous people!
A Cake Not Turned
“Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.” Hos 7:8
A cake not turned is fresh on one side and burnt on the other side; attractive on one side and repulsive on the other side. But on either side, it is good for nothing. Like Ephraim in the quoted text, the hypocrite is not entirely devoted to God. As in the days of Prophet Elijah, they are entangled in the unstable web of halting between God and Baal. On one side they appear very zealous and committed to God while on the other side they are fervent for the devil. The hypocrite has two identities: one time he identifies with the saints of God, at other time he pitches the tent with the enemies of Jesus. He is both saint and sinner at the same time. Inside the hypocrites lies a gal of bitterness but on his face lies the expression of cheerfulness. Expressed in my native language, the hypocrites hide blood under his belly but spew out saliva from his mouth. The hypocrite is Satan personified!
The story of a man quickly captures the picture am trying to paint about the hypocrite. There was a man who went to buy fish from the cold room. After payment, cartons of fish were packed into his car. But the staff at the cold room mistakenly packed a carton full of money among the cartons of fish put in the car for this gentleman. On getting to his house and upon this discovery, he instantly turned back and drove back to where he paid for the fish with the aim of returning the carton filled with money. The fish sellers were amazed at such a high level of sincerity, integrity, and nobility displayed by this strange man. Honestly, it’s very rare to find such. Immediately they told him to wait as they would like to invite the media to carry the news for broadcast in order to present him to the world as one among “The seven thousand kneels that have not bowed to Baal.” But surprisingly, the man strongly rejected the offer. Not because he was being humble or not desiring to be brought into the limelight of public glare as a good person. His reason for declining such offer will shock you! The lady he came with in his car to the cold room was a different lady from his lawfully married wife at home. So if the media people came around and capture the scene for broadcast, it would reveal another side of him which he would not like to be seen because it was ugly. That is hypocrisy. Like a cake unturned, dough on one side but burnt on the other side.
To have the appearance of holiness in one place and reigning sin in another is to be like a cake not turned. Or salt that has lost its savor, neither good for taste nor fit for the dunghill but to be cast out and trample under foot by men. Hypocrisy is a terrible disease to classify. Or how can a fountain be springing both cold and hot water at the same time? Sad enough, that is just the contradicting reality of a hypocrite!
 It is a sad reality to see how many, who profess religion, are made up of contraries and inconsistencies, as a cake not turned. A cake not turned is uncooked on one side and burnt on the other side. And a cake not turned is soon burnt on the side nearest the fire.
Search me O God, and know my heart today.
Try me O Lord, and know my thought I pray.
See if there be some wicked ways in me,
Cleanse me from every sin and set me free
Decorated Sepulcher
“… Hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs—beautiful on the outside but filled on the inside with dead people’s bones and all sorts of impurity. Outwardly you look like righteous people, but inwardly your hearts are filled with hypocrisy and lawlessness. Matt 23:27-28 NLT
Like the Pharisees of Jesus time, the hypocrites are all for the outside, and not at all for the inside of religion. They were more desirous and concerned to appear pious to men than to be approved and accepted of God. Jesus compared them to a vessel that is clean washed on the outside, but all dirt within, v. 25, 26. And what a foolish thing would it be for a man to wash only the outside of a cup, which is to be looked at, and to leave the inside dirty, which is to be used? Unfortunately, this is the lifestyle of the hypocrites. People generally took them for very good men. But within, in the recesses of their hearts and the close retirements of their lives, they were full of extortion and excess; of violence and corruption. While they appear righteous to men, their inward part was very wickedness (Ps 5:9); and what you really are is what you are outside.
Hypocrites don’t usually walk the talk. Their saying and doing are two things. There is no wholeness in their speech. Their practice doesn’t normally agree either to their preaching or to their profession; for they say, and do not; pulling down in their practice what they build up in their preaching. They teach out of the law that which is good, but their lifestyle portrays them as liars. When in the pulpit, they preach so eloquently as to catch the attention of their listeners. But should they come out of the pulpit, they completely negate their eloquent sermon. Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof.  Hypocrites are great talkers, but little doers. The saint in public is a devil in private.
Jesus also compared them to withed Sepulcher: fair within but foul without; full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Hypocrisy is the worse iniquity of all others. It is possible for those that have their hearts full of sin to appear very good before men. But what does it profit a life to have the good reputation of men only to hear the verdict of the Impartial Judge of all, “depart from me, I knew you not, ye workers of iniquities”? When all other graves shall be opened, these externally decorated sepulchers will be looked into, and the dead men’s bones and all the uncleanness shall be brought out, and be spread before all the host of heaven, Jer. 8:1, 2. For it is the day when the Righteous Judge shall judge, not the shows, but the secrets, of men. And what a sorrowful day of weeping it will be for the hypocrites!
Lord purge me from every leaven of hypocrisy by the cleansing Fire of the Holy Ghost.

                                              WATCH OUT FOR PART 2.