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“Later, God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and turned them into heaps of ashes. He made them an example of what will happen to ungodly people. But God also rescued Lot out of Sodom because he was a righteous man who was sick of the shameful immorality of the wicked people around him. Yes, Lot was a righteous man who was tormented in his soul by the wickedness he saw and heard day after day.” 2 Peter 2:6-9

Mr. Lot was the nephew of Abraham. Abraham adopted him when his (Lot’s) father died. In the course of their sojourn together, there was a potential conflict between the herdsmen of Abraham and Lot. Abraham (then Abram) took the initiative to in settling the dispute. He gave Lot his first choice, even though Abraham, being older, had the right to choose first. Lot’s character is revealed by his choices. He took the best share of the land even though it meant living near Sodom, a city known for its sin and great wickedness.

After spending some years in Sodom, Lot knew quite well that things were wrong in Sodom. His righteous soul was continually vexed (tormented, sick and nearly driven out of his mind) by the moral rot and wickedness he saw and heard day after day. But there was no record that he did anything or speak anything against the rot around him. He was experiencing the agony of the soul within but in the public, he pretends as if nothing was wrong with him as he daily transacts business with the people of Sodom. The question one needs to ask is this, “What made him remain in the rotten system that was bringing daily vexation to his soul?” There must be reasons why Lot chose to remain in that rotten system at the expense of the peace of his mind. Some of these reasons we shall later consider. In the meantime, let’s glean some application and lessons.

There are many people living exactly like Lot. They are not happy with where they are, yet they remain there without taking any action that will bring them out of their pain. There are singles engaged in abusive relationships-relationships that insult, ridicule and degrade their personality, yet they remain in such relationships suffering within but smiling without. There are a lot of people today traveling in a ship-friendship, relationship, fellowship, mentorship, scholarship that is going in a contrary direction to their dreamed and expected destination, yet they remained passively seated and watching hopelessly as one who is under a spell or curse of “self-inflicted suffering”. That is self-deception that will eventually lead to self-destruction.  Any ship heading in a different direction to your life’s purpose, vision and conviction will eventually drop you in the land of oblivion and bewilderment. Lot, in the long run would have been destroyed alongside the people of Sodom if not the importunate prayer of Abraham for his deliverance.

There are many reasons why people are suffering in silence. One of such is selfish interest or greed– a desire for selfish gain and enjoyment at the expense of conviction and purpose. It’s this same reason that landed Lot in Sodom in the first place. Lot’s greedy desire for the best of everything led him to sinful surroundings. His burning desire for possessions and success cost him his freedom and enjoyment. One time he was a captive to Chedorlaomer. And as a captive, he faced torture, slavery, and death. In much the same way, we can be enticed into doing things or going places we shouldn’t. The prosperity we long for is captivating; it can both entice us and enslave us if our motives are not in line with God’s desires.

Another reason why people remain passive while suffering and smiling is cowardice– the trait of lacking the courage to speak up when things are wrong. People in this category live perpetually in the bondage of the fear of men. They are afraid of offending people and getting enemies for themselves. These people know the truth but choose to keep quiet and allow falsehood to reign. Note: It is a sin against your conscience to keep silent when you supposed to speak out.

Yet another reason some people are silent in the face of emotional torment is lack of strong conviction. Some people simply drift through life. Their choices, when they can muster the will to choose, tend to follow the course of least resistance. Lot was such a person. He was a weak-willed man. He lacked strong convictions on the right decisions. And when a man lacks a strong conviction on any matter, such a man will always fall for everything even if it is against his will and desire. Do you have any conviction on the right things? What is the direction of your life? Are you headed toward God or away from Him? If you are a drifter, one who is tossed to and fro by every wind of information available to you, the choice for God and the right may seem difficult, but it is one choice that puts all other choices in a different light.


Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction. Mic 2:10 KJV

Arise…You need to arise out of the system, relationship or fellowship that is bringing torment to your soul? You must, like the four lepers, arise to question your status quo. The four lepers asked themselves, “Why sit we here till we die?” Someone needs to ask himself or herself, “Why am I sitting in an abusive relationship?” “What am I still doing in a ship that is heading in opposite direction to my vision and purpose in life?” “What am I still doing in a church whose teachings and practices are obviously against the truths of the Scriptures?’ “What am I still doing in the association of ungodly people?” “Why must I die in this sinful habit?” “Why sit we here till we die?” Someone needs to arise!

Depart, for this is not your rest… Your rising is to depart and not remain in the situation that continually brings great torment of the soul. If you don’t leave or depart, your rising is of no use. The system, relationship, situation, fellowship, which keeps bringing emotional torment is not, shall not and cannot be your rest! Failure to arise and depart is to be consumed by it eventually. In fact, many have died untimely because they refused to depart. Don’t add to the number. You must come out of abusive relationship and fellowship before it destroys you. You need to alight from the wrong “ship” before it takes you deeper and farther in the wrong direction. You must come out of that sinful habit of masturbation, pornography, and sexual immorality before it consumed you eventually. Those things are what the Scripture refers to as “fleshly lusts which war against the soul”. They are enemies of your soul and will damn the soul eventually if you fail to come out of them. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty”. 2 Cor 6:17-18 KJV

Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest: because it is polluted, it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction.

We should also apply this to our state in this present world; it is polluted; there is a great deal of corruption in the world, through lust, and therefore we should arise, and depart out of it, keep at a distance from the corruption that is in it, and keep ourselves unspotted from it. It is not our rest; it was never intended to be so; it was designed for our passage, but not for our portion—our inn, but not our home. Here we have no continuing city; let us, therefore, arise and depart; let us sit loose to it and live above it, and think of leaving it and seek a continuing city above.

Beloved, it is self-infliction to remain in whatever causes continual torment to your soul!


Hope this helps. Thanks for reading. God bless you.

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