Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:6
As believers, we are called to reflect God’s love in this dark and broken world. But how can we do that effectively? How can we shine without being darkened by the challenges and temptations of our culture? These are very pivotal questions that every believer should endeavor to ask daily because we should not hide our light. Who lights a candle and hides it under a bushel? No one has a source of light and then covers it up. It would be against the purpose the light was meant to serve. Being a light that shines as a Christian is not only a privilege but also a responsibility. But how can carry out this great responsibility and avoid being judgmental or hypocritical and instead be gracious and authentic?
Here are 3 ways to allow your light to shine as a believer.
1. Know who you are.
You cannot become without knowing your identity. YOU ARE A LIGHT. When we come into Christ, we have been made whole and brought out of darkness into His marvelous light, and because we are as He is, we are, therefore, by adoption, LIGHTS! So, be proud of who you are and what you believe, and shine bright at work, school, business, and wherever you find yourself. If you are in doubt and are unsure of who you are in Christ, it can be found in the word of God. Be rooted in the study and meditation of the Bible and know more about what God has said about you. The word of God will also equip us to share the gospel with others and to defend our faith when challenged.
2. Let your light shine
Many are lights in this dark and sinful world that have chosen to hide under a bushel due to a lack of confidence or out of fear of being annoying to people, judgmental, or hypocritical. It can seem daunting to want to shine in a dark world, but it is in our nature to shine, and you can shine before men. You can do so effectively with grace and authenticity without being judgmental or hypocritical. Don’t be afraid to express your faith and share your testimony. Jesus said that since you can’t hide a light, let your light shine before men so they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven Matthew 5:6.
Okay, let’s break this down into three parts:
Let your light so shine.
To let means to give permission to, to authorize, to allow, to permit.
y friends, you and I have been permitted and liberated; it is in our nature, so shine! In the same way, a light bulb shines, the sun shines, and a lamp shine and brings light to its surroundings, the same way we have the opportunity to shine. Every believer has a mandate of being a light that shines. A light that does not shine would not be characterized as a light. Because the nature of a light is to shine. You are the light of the world, a city on a hill.
Before men do that, they may see your good works.
Let your light so shine before men. But why before men? Are we supposed to be proud and live in vain, where we constantly try to please people and allow the left hand see what the right hand is doing? No. It’s just the nature of a light is to shine. A city that is set on a hill was not set there out of pride. Yet, being on a hill has a nature of being seen by all. Your character and your nature must be seen. Many do not read the Bible these days, they notice what the “Christians” are doing. You can’t be in isolation and not be involved in the things going on either your professional setting or your community. Wherever you are, let others see Jesus in you. Living in timidity and fear is not the character of light because “God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love and sound mind” 2 Timothy 1:7. We have been equipped to be a light. As He is, so are we in this world 1 John 4:17. Your good works can be seen by how you show Christ’s love to everyone and share the gospel message with all. Remain humble and teachable, be faithful to God’s word and the things that have been committed in your hands, be kind, compliment someone, smile often, offer a helping hand, and be compassionate to someone who is hurting.
Glorify your Father in heaven.
The beauty of our light shining is that the Father is glorified. It’s not about us; it’s all about Jesus. That is why we do not isolate ourselves from the world or conform to its standards. Instead, we engage with the world in a way that demonstrates God’s love and truth. Your life becomes a witness that points others to Jesus Christ, bringing glory to God, blessing others, and joy to ourselves. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase Christ and the heart of the Father for humanity.
E – encourage others. Seeing beyond yourself is essential; someone just needs a hug, a smile, or a word of encouragement.
F – forgive easily. People will offend you, but your response is essential. Bridle your tongue.
G – Gratitude/generosity. Be grateful to God. Gratitude opens up the heart to receive more. We complain less, see the hand of God, and do not dwell on negative experiences.
H – humble/helpful. Be willing to learn, and don’t brag about your accomplishments. Serve without expecting accolades.
Being a light that shines is not easy, but it is rewarding. It requires dedication, discipline, courage, and humility. It also requires passion, curiosity, enthusiasm, and gratitude. By being a light that shines in your professional field, ministry, community, and family, you will make a difference not only in your own life but also in the lives of others.