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You Don’t Need To Feel Guilty Anymore!

“She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11)

Some people find it easier to forgive others than to forgive themselves. Guilty feelings are so unrelenting. They never allow us to find rest.

This kind of guilt often comes when there’s no way to go back and undo the wrong, as in the case of abortion. Knowing that you are responsible for the death of a tiny human being can be devastating. People who go through this and similar experiences can find cause to despair. They feel that they have reached the point of no return.

The adulterous woman that we see in this story also felt she had no way of undoing the wrong. The adultery had already taken place. She had been caught in the act. Try to imagine the shame she felt when her sin became known to all. Besides feeling guilty and miserable, she had to put up with the criticism and ridicule of others.

But Jesus was there with her. He was so merciful. He revealed to all her accusers that they also were sinners. They weren’t any different from the woman. JESUS DIDN’T CONDEMN HER. HE FREED HER.

The sacrifice of Christ on the cross paid entirely and eternally the debt that we owed to God in relation to our sins. In the Lord’s eyes, sin is sin. There is no sin that is bigger or worse than another. He extends His forgiveness to everyone who repents and asks for it, whatever the sin. In this way, He offers us relief from our feelings of guilt.

If you are wallowing in guilt feelings because of something you have done, confess it, to God and trust in the forgiveness He offers in Jesus. Face the new day with renewed hope. Look with future with faith in your God. Do what Jesus told the woman to do: “Don’t sin anymore.”

Do what God does. Don’t think about the sin anymore. His Word says, “For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12).

Whenever those feelings of guilt starts to torment you and make you sad, remember the love of Jesus. Cover over the past with His forgiveness. IN CHRIST WE HAVE NEW LIFE! And this life can be yours today as you bring your guilt to Him in exchange for

His forgiveness.


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