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Some people are initiators. They help get the ball rolling. Rebekah would easily stand out in this group. Her life was characterized by initiative. When she saw a need she took action, even though the action was not always right.    It was Rebekah’s initiative that first caught the attention of Eliezer, the servant Abraham sent to find a wife for Isaac. It was common courtesy to give a drink to a stranger, but it took added character to also fetch water for ten thirsty camels. Later after hearing the details of Eliezer’s mission, Rebekah was immediately willing to be Isaac’s bride.

Several later events help us see how initiative can be misdirected. Rebekah was aware that God’s plan would be channeled through Jacob, Not Esau (Genesis 25:23).  So not only did Jacob become her favorite, she actually planned ways to ensure that he would over-shadow his older twin. Meanwhile, Isaac preferred Esau.

This created a conflict between husband and wife. Rebekah felt justified in deceiving her husband when the time came to bless the son’s and her ingenious plan was carried out to perfection.

Most of the time we try to justify the things we choose to do. Often we attempt to add God’s approval to our actions. We are responsible for what we do and must always be cautious about our motives. When thinking about a course of action, are you simply seeking God’s stamp approval on something you’ve already decided to do? Initiative and action are admirable and right when they are controlled by God’s wisdom.

Lessons from her life: 

Key verses: ‘’And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death’’ (Genesis24v67).   ‘’And Isaac loved Esau, because h

Some people are initiators. They help get the ball rolling. Rebekah would easily stand out in this group. Her life was characterized by initiative. When she saw a need she took action, even though the action was not always right.    It was Rebekah’s initiative that first caught the attention of Eliezer, the servant Abraham sent to find a wife for Isaac. It was common courtesy to give a drink to a stranger, but it took added character to also fetch water for ten thirsty camels. Later after hearing the details of Eliezer’s mission, Rebekah was immediately willing to be Isaac’s bride.

Several later events help us see how initiative can be misdirected. Rebekah was aware that God’s plan would be channeled through Jacob, Not Esau (Genesis 25:23).  So not only did Jacob become her favorite, she actually planned ways to ensure that he would over-shadow his older twin. Meanwhile, Isaac preferred Esau.

This created a conflict between husband and wife. Rebekah felt justified in deceiving her husband when the time came to bless the son’s and her ingenious plan was carried out to perfection.

Most of the time we try to justify the things we choose to do. Often we attempt to add God’s approval to our actions. We are responsible for what we do and must always be cautious about our motives. When thinking about a course of action, are you simply seeking God’s stamp approval on something you’ve already decided to do? Initiative and action are admirable and right when they are controlled by God’s wisdom.

Strength and Accomplishments:

Weakness and Mistakes:

Lessons from her life: 

Key verses: ‘’And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death’’ (Genesis24v67).   ‘’And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his version:  but Rebekah loved Jacob’’ (Genesis 25:28).

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