And Noah did according unto all that the Lord commanded him Genesis 7:5

Society during Noah’s time was not different from the one in which we live today. Sin, violence, and hypocrisy were prevalent. people walked far from God and this brought sorrow to His heart.  But there was one exception.  Noah.  In Genesis 6:9 we read that “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God ” Even  in the midst of such sins Noah managed to live differently in a way that pleased God.

Many times we try to justify our attitude or east our consciences by arguing that everybody does it. However, Noah and his family are clear examples of people who decide not to follow the crowd. These people are saved from destruction and become models that others can follow. It takes faith to be able to live like that.

Noah was given an unexpected task by God. One that brought him ridicule and humiliation. He was considered crazy when he began to build a boat far from any river or sea.  He even went so far as to tell everyone that the Lord was going to send rain (something they never seen), a rain so strong that it would flood everything and cause is boat to float.

It happened just as God said it would. The unbelievers perished while Noah and his family were safe inside the ark.

On the cross Jesus did something extraordinary for you and your family. He died in order that you might have eternal life. You may even be ridiculed or humiliated because you choose to believe this. But your faith will be your passport to heaven.


Good has lots of wonderful surprises reserved but for us. Be a model of faith that your family are your society can follow.  Don’t be content with the status quo. Don’t accept the worst pattern as the norm. Follow God’s instructions as dearly given in His  Word.

Remember Noah! Dare to be different!