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Since its inception in 1970, the red card in the game of football has come to signify the most brutal individual punishment a referee is capable of handling out. And yet, despite the severe penalty, players are still sent off regularly. The decision is rarely random. If red card offences were universally unproductive, then they would be exceedingly rare. Hence, the purpose of the red card is to create a negative consequence that invariably outweighs any potential benefit of breaking the rules. God has His good and overall purpose in the showing of His Red Card.

The Red Card of God Prevents Further And Greater Damage. Remember a red card is not shown any player without a major foul play. A major foul play is any action on the field that jeopardizes the safety, sanity and sustenance of both the game players and the game. God would not suffer too long whatever constitutes continual loss and jeopardizes the safety of His Kingdom. May you find grace to change whatever can earn you the Red Card before God changes you! The Red Card of God speaks clearly and forcefully to whatever or whoever constitute great damage to His Kingdom, “Hitherto you have come, you shall proceed no further!”  Rather than you receiving God’s Red Card, may every stumbling block in your life receive God’s Red Card!

The Red Card of God Serves As A Warning Signal To Others. Warnings have many forms: lights, signs, sights, sounds, smells, feelings, and written words. With varied focus, their purpose is the same-to advise alertness and give notice of imminent danger. Responses to these warnings will also vary-from disregard and neglect to evasive or corrective action. “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.”

 God allowed the Red Card experiences of His children and servants in the Kingdom to be written and documented for us in the Bible in order to serve as a warning and a danger sign to the rest of His Children. “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1Cor 10:11-12 KJV). “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope” (Rom 15:4 KJV). By the documentation of these painful experience, God seems to be saying, “What I did unto them, I can do to you, therefore, be careful in the Kingdom Field of Service.”

The Red Card of God Speaks of the Justice of God. Any referee who overlooks a major foul and keeps silent when a deserving red card should have been shown is partial. Such attracts murmurings, abuse and every form of malicious acts from both the rest of the players on the field of play and the cloud of spectators watching with a keen interest. In fact, some referees have actually lost their lives as a result of partial judgment in the course of a football match. While human referee can be partial in their judgments, that be far from God to do as the fallen men. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? God is the Righteous Judge. Men and Satan with all his fallen angels are also watching if God will overlook or keep silent at a major foul play and still claim to be a just God. It’s why God must punish sin and act against every major foul in the Kingdom Field of Service in order to remain God. The Judge of the whole earth must do right. So His Red Card is a proof and evidence of His divine Justice.


I said earlier that God must punish ‘foul play’ to remain God. However, His mercy is over and above His judgment. While God must punish sin and every act of foul play in the Kingdom Field of Service in consistency with His character, yet His mercy towers above His Judgment. 

James 2:13:

“…Mercy rejoiceth against judgment.” KJV

“…Kindly mercy wins over harsh judgment every time.” MSG

“…Mercy triumphs over judgment.” ESV

“…Mercy [full of glad confidence] exults victoriously over judgment.” AMP.

“…But even in judgment, God is merciful.” CEV.

Though it is true that red card, in the Kingdom Field of Service leaves no space for appeal, yet when God decides to show His Mercy, the voice of His Mercy overrules the judgment of His justice without contradicting His eternal nature of love. Therefore, ONLY God’s Mercy can revert the judgment of His Red! In the name of Jesus Christ, may you find Mercy in times of need!

God is gracious and plenteous in mercy. He is also powerful. However, He reserves the right to the showing of His mercy. He says, “I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy.” God can do all He wills to do; but not always willing to do all He can do.

Job 9:12:

“Behold, he taketh away, who can hinder him? Who will say unto him, What doest thou?”KJV

“If he snatches someone in death, who can stop him? Who dares to ask, ‘What are you doing?” NLT

God can decide to issue His Green Card of acceptance and continuity to anybody on the account of genuine repentance and sincere cry upon His name. Samson in the Old Testament received God’s Green Card again and did greater exploits in his later years than all his exploits before his removal from the public ministry into the dark prison of the enemy. Apostle Peter in the New Testament also received God’s Green Card of approval and reinstatement after the brutal and shocking denial of his Lord and Master-Jesus Christ. He ended his race finishing strong. The mercy of God is enduring forever and it’s ever available for those who will reach out to God for it. However, a serious injury as a result of a major foul play can prevent a man from accessing the mercy of God even if God decides to show mercy! Judas Iscariot for instance, could never have been able to access God’s mercy even if God had decided to show him mercy. Why? He had already committed suicide! Only the living can access God’s mercy. May God save you and me from damnable foul play!

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