Thursday, September 19, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, in the days of Jael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travelers walked through byways.

They chose new gods; then was war in the gates was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?

The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, UNTIL that I Deborah AROSE, that I arose a MOTHER in Israel. Judges 5:6,8,7

It was a precarious situation in the days of Deborah. The situation was much like what we have with us today in the world especially in Nigeria. Let’s take a look at some of the parameters of the times in which Deborah lived for us to have a better understanding of her time and season.

1. The Highways Were Deserted. Travelers Traveled Through Bush Paths: What’s the implications of this? The highways which were beautifully constructed purposely for travelling were deserted and travelers have to take bushy, dangerous, shortcut paths to arrive at their destinations. Why? *Because of security reasons. Armed robbers, bandits, kidnappers, religious terrorists have taken over the highways and consequently forced people out of the normal highways. As I’m writing this, there good roads in Nigeria that although you have beautiful cars, you are afraid to plight for security reasons. It’s a sad reality!

Again, the normal ways of doing things have been abandoned. People now take abnormal ways to arrive at their destinations. Rather than choosing the ways of diligence and sacrifice to achieve success, people have resolved to cheating, bribery, falsification of documents and corruption to arrive at their goals. This is the sad reality of this age. Even religious institutions are not spared! The highways have been abandoned and travelers now traveled through byways.


2. They Chose New gods; then was war in the gates: there was no shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel: Time would fail me to look at this in-depth. But permit me say to you that the days of Deborah was also characterized by false worship on a large scale. People abandoned The worship of The True God and chose new gods out of money, men and material possessions. People now worship servants of God instead of the God who sent His servants. The situation was not much different from today. The consequence of this was an outbreak of wars in the gates. War was the inevitable result when Israel chose to follow false gods. Minus God at the center of their national life, things began to fall apart and they became an easy prey for their enemies. Worse enough, they were completely naked before their enemies as they have been stripped of the weapon of victory which is Divine Presence.
Note: When God is not with you, you have every reason to fear!

3. Village Life Ceased In Israel: This is another sad parameter which defined the days in which Deborah lived. Village Life Ceased. If you have lived in village before you would agree with me that village life is a communal life. Everybody is his brothers keeper. Village Life is a life of sincerity and openness. Village life is a life of simplicity and contentment. Village life is a life of security. We are involved in rural missions and sometimes we could travel in the dead of the night holding vigils in three villages in one single night.
Note: you don’t have to be in the village to live the village life. Village life is not about the social amenities but about the lifestyle. The world began from Eden Village.
This is the Sorry State of the nation in the days of Deborah UNTIL DEBORAH AROSE A MOTHER!


What is the implications of this to a woman?

To be continued…

Kehinde Bolutife


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