Dorcas had helped everybody but herself. She was the giving, caring kind of woman that the whole community sought out in times of crisis. She had built a reputation for being compassionate, resourceful, and generous. As is often the case with this type of person, she had given to others until she had broken herself down.
Have you ever given your courage to someone who was discouraged, then walked away from discouraged yourself? Have you ever wondered when someone would come see about you? Yet the next time the need arises, you’re the first one on the scene. If you are like Dorcas, you often find yourself helping others even when helping them is hurting you.
Now Dorcas was sick, and she died. Simply collapsed. Gave out. Her friends-the ones who had benefited from her kindness-gathered around, reminiscing about her loving and compassionate deeds. Thinking her life was over, they had laid Dorcas on a table and mourned her. They believed this was the end of her. It probably seemed to them that all her giving had been in vain.
*But God never forgets a labour of love.* My sister, God has not forgotten your ministry. You may help someone who rises up, walks away, and forgets to thank you for your sacrifice. But not God. He never forgets, and just when you need Him most, He will show up.
This time He sent Peter to show Dorcas’s friends that God cares for careers, gives to givers, and loves lovers. When Peter came in, he sent everyone else out. All the spectators were removed, and Dorcas’s was left with the only One who could restore her.
You can’t keep giving and be restored at the same time. Peter speaks to the women of our generation when he says that there comes a time when you must put all others out and allow God to refurbish you.*Trees do not continue to bear fruit without rest. The ground will not continue to yield a harvest without replenishing the soil. And no matter how strong you are, there comes a time when everyone must leave you alone in the presence of the only One Who can raise you up again. In the privacy of your prayer closet, allow Him to renew you and restore you. Ask Him to water the parched and barren places in you.* The Scripture says that Peter spoke a word to her: “Dorcas arise.”
I feel a resurrection coming to the distraught heart of empty women who have poured themselves out over and over. This is the time for you to arise. If you have become a martyr to your marriage, arise. If you have been a minister to your children, arise. If you are burned out, stressed out, laid out like Dorcas-cold and lifeless-arise! Expect God to show up and raise you up again. God is not through with you yet. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. And though you may be tired, weak, and weary, it is not over until God says it’s over. Dear lady of God, put death on hold, and drive depression out, for the Word of the Lord comes to the woman who has given too much to everyone else. *The Lord says, “Today is your day, Dorcas, arise!”*