Hello ladies, it’s been a while! I’d like to focus a lot more on us now and discuss issues that affects us on a regular basis. Now, we know that God created us from the rib of the first man (Adam). Therefore, we are anatomically similar but yet so different. By God’s grace, these subsequent articles will be garnered to addressing our health and any female-specific issues.
What’s my “lady garden”, you ask. Well, this is yet another classical way of referring to our most differential organ to men, the vagina. The vagina is a tube of muscle inside a woman’s body that runs from the cervix (the opening of the womb) to the vaginal opening and is surrounded by the vulva. Due to its warm moist environment, harmful bacteria tend to invade its privacy, but thanks to the numerous healthy bacteria that keeps it safe. Therefore, taking care of the lady garden is of utmost importance and we should be concerned about taking care of it. If not properly taken care of, the outside harmful bacteria can take charge and cause different common health issues such as fungal infections, urinary tract infections (UTI) offensive vaginal odor and even infertility.
Why it’s important?
There are different things that are natural occurrences in our body. The saliva that’s secreted in our mouth is there to keep our mouth moist and lack of this can lead to dry mouth; same goes for our vagina which also secretes and discharges special mucus (which should be clear whitish in color) that keeps it moist and cleans itself. As the natural makeup of the vagina, it contains healthy bacterium that helps fight against infections and produces nutrients that helps keep the normal acidic pH. Though the vagina is known to be effective at “self-cleaning”, factors such as menstruation, hormonal fluctuations, or even sex can easily disrupt the pH balance.
When these normal occurrences do not happen as it should, trouble arises and a lot of us females are aware of these issues. Have you or anyone experienced any unpleasant and unusually strong “fishy” vaginal odor, itching, soreness or cloudy discharge? These are signs of infections and inflammations.
Ways to maintain your lady garden
pH balance in the vagina is very important, here are few tips to keep it balanced and healthy:
Healthy lifestyle…. As the popular saying goes, “you are what you eat”. It’s just what it is. Eating right, staying active and hydrated are good ways to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.
Shaving/waxing…. This is very controversial, but keeping your garden well-trimmed and groomed will reduce chances of infection and is just overall better.
According to research, practicing safe sex can help maintain a healthy vagina.
Wash your vagina often and avoid use of antiseptic or scented soaps and DO NOT spray perfume on or around your vagina, it will disrupt the pH balance.
AVOID tight panties…. It’s simple, let it breathe but don’t go commando! So, go for breathable cotton underwear. During menstruation, change your tampons or pads regularly to keep infections at bay.
If you are experiencing discomfort, rash, itchiness, soreness, boils or foul odor, see your gynecologist before self-treating. Self-treating by using over-the-counter medications (or other self-treating ways) can cause adverse effects because you do not know what’s causing your symptoms.